南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 张梦佳)5月13日,华中农业大学动物科学技术学院、动物医学院何启盖教授团队和湖北中医药大学检验学院纳米生物传感中心张国军教授团队、北京大学张志勇教授团队共同合作在BioMed Central出版社旗下的国际权威期刊Journal of Nanobiotechnology上发表题为“A Portable Transistor Immunosensor for Fast Identification of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus”的研究论文。该研究开发并验证了一种基于浮栅碳纳米管场效应晶体管(FG CNT-FET)的便携式免疫传感器,用于快速、灵敏、准确地识别PEDV。
场效应晶体管(FET)是一种生物传感平台,具有出色的灵敏度、无标记和实时检测、低成本和易于集成等特点。目前,基于FET的生物传感器越来越多地应用于各种生物标志物的检测。在各种纳米材料中,碳纳米管(CNTs)是FET生物传感器的理想通道材料,因为它们具有超薄的厚度、优异的电性能和良好的生物相容性。在之前的研究中已经构建了一个即插即用的浮栅CNT场效应晶体管(FG CNT-FET)生物芯片,集成了一个智能便携式读取器。它与改良的CRISPR/Cas12a系统相结合,引入了G-三链结构报告基因,实现了对心肌肌钙蛋白I的超灵敏和即时检测,显示了良好的应用前景。在此基础上,本研究利用抗原抗体的高亲和力,制备并纯化了能够与PEDV-S蛋白特异性结合的单克隆抗体。然后,将抗体用FG CNT-FET芯片进一步功能化,制成用于检测PEDV病毒粒子的免疫传感器FG CNT-FET。
由于抗原-抗体的高亲和性和 FG CNT-FET 的高κ介电层工艺,所开发的生物传感器具有较高灵敏度和特异性。该免疫传感器能在1分钟内完成检测,并准确区分PEDV和猪德尔塔冠状病毒(PDCoV),同时对PEDV-S蛋白及PEDV病毒粒子的检测阈值可分别低至8.1 fg/mL(重组PEDV-S蛋白)和100.14 TCID50/mL (PEDV病毒粒子),是迄今为止报道的PEDV抗原检测方法所能达到的最低值。此外,由于该传感器小巧便携,可作为现场部署的芯片读出器,以“sample in - answer out”的方式实现PEDV的快速有效检测,为进一步在农场大规模现场监测传染病提供了可能。

检测PEDV病毒粒子的免疫传感器FG CNT-FET流程示意图
审核人 李文涛
Widespread distribution of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) has led to catastrophic losses to the global pig farming industry. As a result, there is an urgent need for rapid, sensitive and accurate tests for PEDV to enable timely and effective interventions. In the present study, we develop and validate a floating gate carbon nanotubes field-effect transistor (FG CNT-FET)-based portable immunosensor for rapid identification of PEDV in a sensitive and accurate manner. To improve the affinity, a unique PEDV spike protein-specific monoclonal antibody is prepared by purification, and subsequently modified on FG CNT-FET sensor to recognize PEDV. The developed FET biosensor enables highly sensitive detection (LoD: 8.1 fg/mL and 100.14 TCID50/mL for recombinant spike proteins and PEDV, respectively), as well as satisfactory specificity. Notably, an integrated portable platform consisting of a pluggable FG CNT-FET chip and a portable device can discriminate PEDV positive from negative samples and even identify PEDV and porcine deltacoronavirus within 1 min with 100% accuracy. The portable sensing platform offers the capability to quickly, sensitively and accurately identify PEDV, which further points to a possibility of point of care (POC) applications of large-scale surveillance in pig breeding facilities.